Young woman sorting trash for recycling

Eco-friendly New Year’s Resolution

As we ring in the New Year, many of us are contemplating resolutions. While we ponder the pathways of personal growth, why not embrace a resolution that not only enhances our lives but also protects Mother Earth? With the pressing need and rising consciousness about climate change, prioritizing eco-friendly habits has morphed into an absolute necessity.

In this article, we will explore various eco-friendly, sustainable resolutions that you can adopt to make a positive difference. These resolutions are not only beneficial for the environment but can also enhance your well-being. So, let's kick-start the year by taking steps towards a greener lifestyle.

Get serious about reducing food waste. 

Imagine this: one-third of all food produced globally goes uneaten, while millions face hunger. This isn't just an ethical issue; it's a massive drain on resources like water, land, and energy used to grow, transport, and dispose of that food. Food waste also rots in landfills, releasing potent greenhouse gases that can potentially accelerate climate change.

By cutting down on food waste, we can save valuable resources squandered on producing food that ultimately goes uneaten. But that's not all. Doing so can also slash greenhouse gas emissions and pave the way for a bright and sustainable future. 

Be part of the reusable wagon.

Plastic waste, the severity of it at this point, is a global issue. But even as an individual consumer, you have the power to help mitigate it. One easy way to make a difference: reuse and avoid single-use items. Just imagine swapping those plastic water bottles for cool reusable ones - it's a small change that can have a HUGE impact on your plastic consumption.

Join a clean-up or tree-planting event.

Taking part in clean-up or tree-planting events provides a practical opportunity to begin addressing environmental concerns by being a direct participant in addressing pollution. And with a tree planting event, you're making a lasting impact by replenishing one of our planet's most valuable resources. 

These activities help foster community, increase awareness, and improve personal well-being, all while making a meaningful contribution to our environment.

Photograph of a Person's Hand Picking Vegetables


Buy local and seasonal. 

Shopping for local, seasonal produce takes a bite out of environmental damage. Here's an overview of why buying local is the more sustainable choice:

  • Reduced travel emissions: Less distance from farm to plate means less fuel burned and fewer greenhouse gases released.
  • Minimized packaging: Locally grown food often needs less packaging, reducing waste and its associated environmental footprint.
  • Sustainable farming practices: Smaller, local farms often prioritize practices like crop rotation and natural pest control, benefiting soil health and biodiversity.
  • Fresher, tastier food: Locally grown crops ripen naturally and travel less, making them more flavorful and packed with nutrients.


Eat more plant-based food. 

Ditching meat for more plants packs a double punch: good for you and good for the planet. You'll fuel your body with fiber, vitamins, and disease-fighting nutrients, lowering your risk of heart disease, and diabetes, and even keeping your mind sharp.

Meanwhile, the environment gets a breather as you cut meat consumption as this allows you to conserve precious resources like water and energy as well as protect valuable ecosystems. So, go green on your plate – your body and the Earth will thank you. 

Man And Woman Eating Healthy Food


Go for transportation choices that lower carbon footprint. 

Opting for transportation choices that lower your carbon footprint is a crucial step towards a more sustainable future, benefiting both your well-being and the health of our planet. Here's why it matters:

Climate Change: Every mile driven in a car releases harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Choosing alternatives like bikes, public transportation, or walking significantly reduces your emissions, helping combat rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disrupted ecosystems.

Health & Fitness: Walking, cycling, and using public transport are fantastic forms of exercise, boosting your health and well-being while helping you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.

Financial Savings: Owning and maintaining a car can be expensive. Choosing alternative modes of transport saves money on fuel, insurance, and parking, leaving more in your wallet for other things. 

Invest in long-lasting goods. 

When you buy something built to last, you're replacing the cycle of buying, using, and discarding with a single, extended period of use. This means less manufacturing, fewer materials extracted, and less waste ending up in landfills or incinerators, ultimately lowering your carbon footprint. Think of all the resources saved when you buy solid wood furniture instead of replacing flimsy ones every few years.

The good news is many companies are now focusing on creating durable, eco-friendly products. By choosing these brands, you're supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. It's like voting for the planet with your wallet.


Remember, every step you take is a choice. By opting for eco-friendly alternatives, you're not just making a personal statement, you're contributing to a healthier planet and a brighter future for generations to come. So, lace up your walking shoes, refill your reusable bottle with water, shop this week's vegetables at the farmer's market, and join the movement toward a cleaner, greener world.


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